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Wednesday Wackiness

Wednesday. Last Day. No more school. I can do it! Even though I. Am. So. Tired....

Happy Last Wednesday!!! After today, it's shorts and tanks and chacoooooooos!! I have never been so ready for a school year to be over. I've had a lot on my plate this year and I am beyond ready for a break!!!

Yesterday started out as usual. Worked, well "worked". Really I just talked to the kids about their summer plans and their plans for after high school. It's good to just get to talk to them sometimes and not worry about whether or not they are missing homework or notes or whatever ;)

After work, I got my hair chopped off again! I love it so far! I wanted something easy for the summer, and my hair stylist delivered! She's the bomb!

I got home and Aaron was already getting ready to go to work. He went in an hour early yesterday, but got off 4 hours early (meaning he got home after 2AM- I don't know how he does the swing shift thing... I'd lose sooo much sleep).

Lynny and I decided to pack a picnic and go to the park, just us girls! I drove to our normal park, the little one that I really like- not as much to fall off of ;) As we were pulling in, she panicked and told me that that particular park was for babies and she was a big girl.

SO we went to the big girl playground, ate our sandwiches, and played. I almost had a heart attack about 48 different times, but she had a blast!

She is so brave... Literally not scared of anything!

After the playground we ran by my parents' house to grab my keys (I left them at a car dealership-my dad picked them up for me... he is my hero!). They had fixed the driveway and still had the excavator out. Lynny wasn't too sure about it at first, but quickly warmed up to it ;)

With her Gramps!

Then it was home and time for bed! She went to sleep pretty quickly, she was wore slap out ;)

I chose to take another day off from running. I will try 3 miles after work today to see how my back feels. It is much better than it was, and I'm hoping those few rest days will mean I will run pain-free today!


Since Summer is JUST AROUND THE CORNER (!!!!), I wanted to write out my bucket list! These are the main things I'd like to accomplish this summer with my little family!

1. Lots of hiking! Lynny won't be able to do long hikes, but I'd love to take her on a few short hikes just to see if she's going to enjoy it later on! I really want to take her to a local park to see the herd of wild miniature ponies! They aren't "wild", but no one owns them. You can pet them and take pictures with them. I think she would LOVE it! 2. Camping! I would LOVE to take a camping trip or two. Nothing really long, just a night or two! I think Lynny would love it! The going-to-bed may bother her, she has been a little bit scared of the dark lately. But I think since we will be with her, she'd get through it just fine!!

3. Kayaking!

Lynny and I both LOVE kayaking! We have a big group of people that go and everyone brings their kayaks and food and floats. It's always a great time! I plan on going A LOT this summer!

4. Reading! I would like to read 2-3 books that are not "required". Just books that I enjoy! I have been looking at some different options, and I need to make a decision soon!

5. Beach!

I want to take Lynny to the beach SO badly! We have a lake that has a "beach", and it works for what we need it to, but I still would love to take Lynny to an actual beach. One that you can't see the land on the other side of the water ;)

I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! See ya tomorrow!

Do you need lots of sleep like me? Or can you run on minimal sleep like the hubs?

Are your kids scared of anything?

What things are on your summer bucket list?

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