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Father's Day Sunday!

Happy Sunday morning everyone! AND Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Yesterday started out with working my yard sale. I decided at about 9AM that nothing I put out yesterday would make it back inside my house. I'm chucking it all. Ok, maybe donating, but I am NOT bringing it back in the house!

My parents kept Lynny for the morning so that I could sit and wait on people to come buy my junk... I literally had ZERO people buy the stuff without trying to get me to lower my price. I'm selling you a onesie with a tag still on it for 50 cents, people... Just pay the 50 cents... I know usually people will bring down the price, but I ain't giving them to you for free... I'm sure Lynny was tickled that she didn't have to sit around with me while I was dealing with that ;) It. Was. Ridiculous.

I went out for what was suppose to be a 2 mile run at an easy pace. I thought I had left my iPod at home, but it was in the car and I was pretty excited about it!

I don't know why I didn't turn around, but I realized at 1.4 miles that I had forgotten to. I got a quick drink at the water fountain there and started back. I forgot to start my watch and ran for a little under 3 minutes before I realized it. So I probably ran about 2.8 miles, but my watch only registered 2.5 miles. Oh well!

After I ran I headed home and showered before Aaron and Lynny got home from the grocery store. I fixed dinner for me and Lynny (Aaron ate Taco Bell- one day that metabolism will slow down and he'll have to eat what I do, not whatever he feels like whenever he feels like it!)

I had a LOADED sweet potato... Loaded with whatever I had in the fridge... Ground chicken, zucchini, onion, yellow squash, mushroom, and topped with some Italian dressing.

I took Lynny to get a Trolls toy at Walmart. I bribe my kid to eat. I am not ashamed. Especially when she looks this cute....

We stopped and got Aaron a coffee since he is working. It was his early Father's Day present since we won't get to do anything with him except possibly grab a quick meal tomorrow. Law enforcement life is tough, y'all!

He was taking FOREVER to get to where we agreed to meet... I figured I needed to take a few sips of his yummy coffee as payback...

Today is FATHER'S DAY! It's important to recognize those people out there that hold the title "Dad", especially if you've been surrounded with great ones like I have been!

First, I'd like to thank my father-in-law! We pick on each other a ton, which I think is great! He's a wonderful family man who sacrifices a lot for the people he loves. He also raised an amazing guy that I get to call my husband. Aaron learned how to be a great father and husband from the example set by his dad, and I'm so thankful he did!

Aaron is an amazing father. He makes sure Lynny is loved and knows she is valued. He doesn't get as much time with his family as most dads due to his work schedule, but he makes sure that the time he does get with her is spent making sure he knows that she is the center of his world! It is so true when people tell you that you love your spouse even more when you see them with your child. Lynnleigh is so lucky to have Aaron as her daddy!

My Scotty is my HERO! He stepped into my life when my family was in a rather odd spot. My parents had divorced and mom and I were making a life for ourselves. (I wasn't the closest to my dad as his work schedule kept him gone a lot, so I spent most of my time with my Momma). I was entering those not-so-pleasant teenage years and he got the brunt of most of my anger. How he managed to stick around after those years, I'll never understand ;) He is the greatest dad in the world, selfless, supportive, and kind, and God knew exactly what He was doing by placing Scotty in my life when He did! I love my Scotty and I am so thankful for him!

My real father passed away a couple of years ago after battling cancer. He is missed, but I can guarantee that his Father's Day celebration in Heaven is completely outdoing any celebration he'd be able to have down here!

If you're a running dad, I hope you got a good run in today! If you're not a running dad, I hope you got to do whatever is your passion! Dad's deserve a day to be spoiled and I hope yours was awesome! Thanks to all the dads out there from all of us kiddos!

I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday!

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