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Working Wednesday

I worked again today. This is getting old, fast! ;)

Monday wasn't very exciting. I worked until about 2, then went to Walmart to get a few things for Lynny. I found a TON of deals that I didn't need to buy, but bought them anyway. There was a Moana toy (Lynny is obsessed with Moana) that was on sale for more than 50% off... She doesn't need any more toys... but I had to get it and she was excited so I was happy :) This is me with my money when it comes to Lynny...

We came home after I picked her up and played with her toys and read. She is REALLY into reading now, and I love it! We waited until Aaron got off and fixed dinner. We needed to go by the grocery store for a few things and we saw Paula and Billy. They bought Lynny a car and she was so excited... She loves these little things... and taking a pic with her eyes closed.

Then we just came home and settled in for the night. I braided Lynny's hair after her bath. So stinking cute!

Yesterday was a bit more exciting. Aaron worked, he does that a lot. I decided that Lynny could pick whatever we do, it was our last day of just me and her of the summer.

Aaron will be home for the rest of the days this summer break except for one, and I offered to keep my cousin's boys so that Lynny could play with friends that day. I asked her what we should do. She wanted to go see my mom, then she said her belly was "a little bit hungry"... She asked to go to McDonalds. Since it was pretty hot, I figured that was better than running around outside at noon. We stayed there FOREVER. I am not a fan of the place, but there were kids there and she was having a blast so I sucked it up. Luckily everyone left around the same time, so we left with them. She let me fix her braids to go out. I really liked them and I think she liked the fact that she wasn't having to shove hair out of her face all day ;)

We came home and took a nap. I will miss my daily nap...

After nap she wanted to go to the "black playground", so we did. It was pretty hot, and the playground is located at a recreational center, so we hit up the indoor basketball court. She LOVES basketball.

We looked at some flowers...

Then we played some more on the playground and headed home. Lynny has finished her "homework" book, so my parents took her to buy some more while Aaron and I got a 3 miler in. He HATES running, but he'll run anywhere between 1-4 miles with me (4 is pushing it...). We ended up with negative splits. He's not a fan of running, and definitely not a fan of running faster with each mile, but he did it and didn't complain. I thanked him for not complaining and he said he was out of breath so he couldn't have complained even if he had wanted to ;)

We came home and ate some pizza. Counter productive, I know, but it's what Lynny requested ;) We got ready for bed, after making some cookies. Dumb decision. Lynny was awake until after 1. Needless to say, waking up this morning for a run with Paula and work was difficult ;)

I'll tell you about our run tomorrow or Friday! I hope you all have a great evening and an even better Thursday!!

How are you spending the end of your summer?

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