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Honest Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, folks!

Quick reminder!!!! Don't forget to enter the giveaway on my Facebook page!!! It ends on Monday!

We needed more pictures with our minions before dance class... It's a daily thing for us now ;)

Monday was pretty laid back as far as activities go, after dance we went to eat and just relaxed. Monday was a rough day for me, all around. Work was rough, some things in my personal life were rough, and I didn't feel the best. A lot of things just came to a head and it was not a good day. Let's be honest, we all have days that jerk the rug out from under us, and for some reason Mondays seem to be the majority of those days for me ;)

HOWEVER, Tuesday started out much better, and after doing some soul searching (aka reading my Bible and praying), I felt much better about the personal situation I found myself in. Proverbs 17:17 states, "A friend loves at all times...". If someone is only bringing you down, making you feel bad about yourself in any situation, even if it is not necessarily on purpose, it's time to step away and reassess your interactions with them. That was the situation I found myself in. I'm not placing any blame on any one person, as I believe the tension was caused equally by both parties. I just simply chose to back away and remove myself from a situation I felt was not healthy for me, personally. It was a hard choice that I didn't really want to make, but after I did, I felt relieved. Maybe things will change, be "fixed" in the future, but for right now, I just need to step back and reevaluate my inner circle. Nothing wrong with that!

I was able to run with Paula and Billy Tuesday after work. I hurried to get Lynny and let her join us. She occasionally enjoys running with us, sometimes she's over it after the first mile. Tablets and games help her to deal with a longer run. Even with those, 6 miles is about her limit. I don't blame her. I'd get bored just sitting there, too ;)

Paula and Billy are running the Marine Corps Marathon this Sunday. I cannot WAIT to see how well they do! I'm excited for them!! I really wish I was running this one with them, however, I was not up for another round of marathon training this year ;) Two is enough for 2017!

That hair, though! Ha!

We used the 5:2 run/walk method again, and I still love it. I really think I'm going to implement this for the next big goal I have (To be announced at a later date... It's BIG!)

Our average pace was 11:17 a mile. Paula wants a sub-5 hour marathon, meaning she needs to keep her pace around 11:25. Our mile times looked like this:

Mile 1: 11:33

Mile 2: 11:13

Mile 3: 11:33

Mile 4: 10:45

That last mile is always faster for us, which is how I think every run should end. COMPLETELY exhaust yourself.

I looked back at some of our other runs, and we averaged a much slower pace for them (some in the 12 minute range) by trying to run the entire time. This method seems to work well for us! I have lost a bit of my running stamina compared to this spring when I was in full training, so walking is a welcome break to help me get back to where I want to be (which, by the way, is NOT where I was this spring! I was fast and it was fun, but I put TONS of work and time into it. Now that I'm not training for a specific race, I'm focusing on just keeping my running base so that I can focus on getting back there when I'm ready. So for the moment, it's just me running because I enjoy it!).

If you think the run/walk method sounds like something you'd like to try, check it out! Jeff Galloway is probably one of the most known runners for this method. You can check out his website if you'd like to do more research for yourself. If running for 5 minutes isn't what you're ready for, try running 3 and walking for one, or running 3 and walking 2. If you're just beginning to run, try 1 minute of running and one minute of walking. You can adjust from there when you're ready!

I hope your week has went well so far and only continues to get better! I'll be posting again in a few days! Until then, answer some of these questions for me, please! Email me at!!

1. When do you read the blog? (lunch, morning, evening, etc.)

2. What are your favorite types of posts? (Informative, lists, etc.)

3. Have you tried the walk/run method?

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